Program Overview |
Main Conference | 2019 June 18 - 20 (Tuesday - Thursday) |
Tutorials | 2019 June 16 and 17 (Sunday & Monday) |
Workshops | 2019 June 16 and 17 (Sunday & Monday) |
Time |
Event |
7:30-9:00 | Breakfast |
8:30-9:00 | Opening / Awards |
9:00-10:15 | Orals 1.1 |
10:15-11:15 | Break |
10:15-1:00 | Posters 1.1 |
11:30-1:30 | Lunch (Posters switch at 1:30pm) |
1:30-3:20 | Orals 1.2 |
3:20-4:20 | Break |
3:20-6:00 | Posters 1.2 |
6:30-8:30 | CVF/PAMI TC Meeting |
Time |
Event |
7:30-9:00 | Breakfast |
8:30-10:00 | Orals 2.1 |
10:00-11:00 | Break |
10:00-12:45 | Posters 2.1 |
11:30-1:30 | Lunch (Posters switch at 1:30pm) |
11:30-1:30 | Doctoral Consortium |
1:30-3:20 | Orals 2.2 |
3:20-4:20 | Break |
3:20-6:00 | Posters 2.2 |
6:00-9:00 | CVPR Reception |
Time |
Event |
7:30-9:00 | Breakfast |
8:30-10:00 | Orals 3.1 |
10:00-11:00 | Break |
10:00-12:45 | Posters 3.1 |
11:30-1:30 | Lunch (Posters switch at 1:30pm) |
1:30-3:20 | Orals 3.2 |
3:20-4:20 | Break |
3:20-6:00 | Posters 3.2 |
Demo & Exhibition Chairs |
Yong Jae Lee, University of California, Davis | demos-cvpr2019@googlegroups.com |
Andrew D. Bagdanov, Università degli Studi di Firenze |
Corporate Relations Chairs |
Mei Han, Ping An Technology | meihan@gmail.com |
Florent Perronnin, Naver Labs Europe | florent.perronnin@naverlabs.com |
Tutorials Chairs |
Ali Farhadi, University of Washington | ali@cs.uw.edu |
Alex Vasilescu, University of California, Los Angeles | maov@cs.ucla.edu |
Workshop Chairs |
Sanja Fidler, University of Toronto | workshops-cvpr2019@googlegroups.com |
Andrea Vedaldi, University of Oxford |
Program Chairs |
Abhinav Gupta, Carnegie Mellon University | program-chairs-cvpr2019@googlegroups.com |
Derek Hoiem, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Gang Hua, Wormpex AI Research | |
Zhuowen Tu, University of California, San Diego |
General Chairs |
Larry Davis, University of Maryland | lsd@umiacs.umd.edu |
Philip Torr, University of Oxford | philip.torr@eng.ox.ac.uk |
Song-Chun Zhu, University of California, Los Angeles | sczhu@stat.ucla.edu |